RE:naked shortsI know I have only been investing for 30 years but this stock has to be the most manipulated stock I have ever seen, other than Gamestop, of course. The stock goes to $20 CDN on very good news. It drops 8 days in a row to $12.00 CDN and then go back to $14.00 in a day, without any new news.
So obviously the shorts are currently covering. The question is why? I would suggest they made their money from $20 t $12 and will wait until a better price point.
This is why you need large institutional buyers. It is much more difficult to manipulate a stock with pension, mutual funds and endowments owning your stock. Why? because they will provide a base.
Canopy has only 4.85% institutional ownership. Therefore can be easily manipulated by shorters.
It will be so nice when SAFE passes and we can see an increase in insitutional ownership. Until then it is a trading stock with a core position, in case of new news