RE:re Grades Alamos ?"Are the grades in there projects relatively good as lm reading between 5-10gms/tn."
Others on another board have suggested just taking the bonanza grades and dividing by 2 if the assumption was made that one side of the core assay was visible coarse gold/granulated and the other side was not, rather than implementing the consistent practice of always submitting always and only the Right or Left hand core to the lab. I don't know how valid this is from a technical report standpoint, but it seems plausible if only to have an interim rough approximation and assessment.
From the 2023 43-101, 2022 original (visible gold side of core selected?) assay 57.99g/ton, revised non-visible half of core 6.24g/ton = ~29g/ton
and 26.93g/ton, revised 0.14g/ton = ~13.5g/ton
In a verification study twinning to the original sites would provide clarification of the 2022 results.