StrategySupport Super Photonics Xiamen (SPX), a joint venture between POET and Sanan IC, as an independent
company to drive growth in optical transceivers and deliver maximum cash flow to partners.
Engage with industry leaders and incumbents
Transition to making Optical Transceiver Modules for direct sales to end-users.
Establish additional fabrication and sales operations for advanced, high-speed transceiver modules and
light source products.
Pursue complementary strategic alliance or acquisition opportunities for inorganic growth
Explore technology licensing opportunities for growth in non-target sectors.
For a broke company that is quite the strategy. Like be everything to everybody. This is no strategy but a wish list. This company needs a CEO that chooses wich of the wishes are feasible. This crew has proven what they can do. And it is not running a stock traded company or bring products to market. Yeah, Poet now needs a commercial CEO. Poet is not a lab. Or country club.