Posted by Ernie Worthing on CEO.CAFrom our geologist friend on Seeking Alpha:"The west joe and main dikes are probably one continuous dike joining those two areas which have dikes of similar thickness, petrology, strike and dip, and that project into each other, but no surface exposure in between. Confirming this continuity with the drilling between west Joe and main dike is big, since each of those dikes is fat and juicy, and to better quantify the total reserves, and the appropriate extraction plan. My bet is they are continuous with similar amounts of ore ( pollucite, spodumene) continuously in between. Could be slightly offset by small m-scale faults. Stepping out to the NW is also potentially big because there is no bedrock exposure immediately to the NW and because the fractionation trend resulting in increasing amounts of enrichment of Cesium ore increases in the dikes from SE to NW. The dikes to the SE are more enriched in Spodumene (Li ore), which is less fractionated/enriched than Pollucite (Cs ore). Another set of dikes to the NW could therefore be even more enriched in Cesium ore, if the enrichment trend continues into the zone of no surface exposure. This is what was predicted by geologists in the area back in the early 2000s. It’s just never been investigated. Such a find isn’t necessary for the value and profitability of Case Lake, but it’s definitely possible and it could increase the already very very high value of the site."