Exro Now Meme Stock, ESS Sold to Re Build with 2%, Amazon ?....maybe Exro will become the next meme stock ? I want nothing more than this stock to be $10 without the 1/20 RS...moo
...I heard sue is now wearing Crocks ? Perf CT shoe for all the BS we have been fed the last 2 years.....moo
....I rewatched a couple interviews with Tony today, not impressed at all...moo.....when a person slumps forward with their shoulders and slouch, it shows a weak position...sue is the alpha for sure, not good...moo...moo
.....rebuild will take over the ESS side for sure with No Cash and only a 2% royalty fee tobExro for 2 years....moo.....
...now comes the pieces de resistance...Wilke and Bezos are BFFs and they know business, not newbies learning like Exro has had......
.....The contracts with Amazon are a done deal with the ESS for $50 million which Exro gets their 2% out of he gate....????..mo