1 of our former Copper mines opened in 1747. Former Mines Folldal opened in 1747, and the first mining lasted until 1807. After that period, regular production was carried out in several periods until 1941. In total 1.15 mill.t. of ore
with 1.9% Cu and 1.1% Zn was produced. Nordre Geitryggen produced 2.5 mill.t. of ore with 1.3% Cu, 3.2 % Zn, 0.2 % Pb, 31 ppm Ag and 0.2 ppm Au, mainly between 1936 and 1970, and was the largest of
the Folldal mines
Sendre Geitryggen Mined for copper in the earliest periods 1770-1848 and 1860-1878. In the last mining period (1952-1965) about 0.5 Mt of ore grading 0.8% Cu, 2.4% Zn was taken out. Mining ended because workers were needed in the new, large
mine at Tverrfjellet, not because the deposit was mined out. Nygruva in production in three periods from 1783 to 1952. In total 0.3 Mt ore was produced with 0.85% Cu and 3.5% Zn. In the stratigraphic footwall of the massive ore are irregular lenses of zinc- or copper-rich ore, which locally are enriched in gold (up to 7.1gpt).Nordre