quinlash - you base your posts on the fact that Canopyand Truss took over a year to introduce infused beverages??????
THIS is a perfect example of your faulty research - and thus your poor choice of cannabis investments - chossing CANADIAN companys sucha s Zenabis, Hexo and Tilray.
Instead of posting uninformed mis-information, do some actual research. Google Curaleaf infused beverages - they've been sellig infused beverages since 2021 I think, they offer infused beverages, a liquid squeeze enhancer and cbd beverages.
Truss a home run?
Molson termianted Truss USA due to 'immaterial sales
Molson unloaded Truss Canada for $6 million because Molson - who've been in the 'beverage' industry for awhile now, recognized a loser - a cash burning failure in Truss.
Truss reports less than $12 million in annual gross sales - and has never come close to being profitable or cash flow positive. Tilray doesnt have the cash to exapnd Truss.
Hexo - Tilray acquired for $250 million - Hexo contributes $10 million a quarter in revenue, and brought NEGATIVE gross margins to the table.
You would be better not posting anything - than posting the mis-information that you do.
Comment by
quinlashon May 24, 2024 1:45pm 14 Views
Post# 36056268
RE:Cannabis Drink Market
It took Canopy over a year to get drinks out and their first attempt failed with the oils separating from the drink. HEXO (Truss) took longer, figured out the technology, patented it. Their drinks were a homerun from day 1.
Tilray bought out Hexo+Truss