Actions Speak Louder Than Words Buying to be long is legal.
Buying short is legal.
Trading is legal.
Who has the most to lose every business day?
Would daytraders and any shorter logically be
the ones who stand to lose more than others
each business day? Therefore, who might really
feel the most angst and insecurity while engaged
da on any penny stock?
Does the ratio of bashing posters seem disproportionately larger than supporting posters on penny stock forums?
Why does their seem to be continuous bashing on
seemingly targeted penny stock forums?
Therefore, whose actions might be exposing their own insecurities the most?
Who might be or stands to gain the most?
Does all of the above seem like food for thought?
Who seems to be the most hungry and aggressive
multiple times a day seemingly while seemingly encircling any contrasting opinion to theirs like sharks do in nature?