Excellent Video on NFG from 3 months ago.I don't recall seeing this video, but a new poster just posted it. Here's his post:
by GoneBroke
Eric Sprott's BIGGEST investment EVER
I'm not even invested in NFG , but of course I've had my eye on it for some time now.
I'm certain many have already seen this but i thought I'd post it anyway
This video is an example of the type of viral nature of these types of reviews NFG will probably be getting in the not too distant future, esp. as Gold resumes its massive uptrend in a world TURNING to gold to replace fiat currencies as a store of value.
And here is the comment I wrote in the comment section of this video:
Excellent video, and comment section.
I own NFG.V / NFGC and have for a while. Yes, Im underwater, but Ive averaged down, and also own 0:13 most of my NFG shares thru PALI, which is a discounted way to own NFG, and Im above break even on those.
So, I own a lot of NFG and am holding. NFG could be bought out by BIG GOLD, but I hope not. Because if NFG stays independent and mines, maybe allowing 10-20% buy in by Big Gold.....maybe not needing to do that......the gains could be mind blowing due to how much gold may be fiscovered in the years ahead from drilling and mining.
So, NFG is both a safe haven gold invedtment, and a dramatic growth story due to the vast potential.
Sprott owns more than 20% of NFG, when you count shares hes given his two daughters and other enties, I believe. Offhand, I think its a bit over 30% he owns. PALI owns over 40 million shares. All told insiders own well over 60 %.
NFG CAN get into production fairly quickly, by using the mill owned by Maritime Resources ( MAE.V).
NFG has a memorandum of understanding ( MOU) with MAE of first dibs to use MAE's recently bought mill ( bought out of bankruptcy of a miner in Newfoundland). This mill was running just recently. NFG made a $2 mill investment in MAE to launch this MOU.
And Erich Sprott also has a significant investment in MAE, along with the renowned Goodman family ( a similar stellar family name in Canadian mining, similar to the Lundins'), who also operate Dundee Corp , a successful precious metal miner ( Dundee Corp owns about 20% of MAE).
NFGs stock price is low and near two year lows because it ran up much too high and fast in its begining, because it has done half a million meters of drilling financed by equity sales, because NFG has an AT THE MARKET share selling permit to sell shares directly into the Venture exchange, and they keep their coffers loaded with cash, currently around $ 58 million
Also there has been a small but persistant short position in the stock which constsntly tries to manipulate the stock lower. Short positions in the Canadian Resource Industry is a niche business which the Canadian govt allows to exist ( Why?..... bribes from the Short Sellers) and Erich Sprott and other top mining professionals are now starting a group called Save Canadian Mining to try to eradicate the naked short sales, which are ILLEGAL, but naked shorting is NOT prosecuted by the govt ( Why?).
The invedtors in NFG consider it to be a safe investment, but with HUGE upside in the years ahead.
NFG has probably already discovered somewhere arounf 5 million ounces give or take a couple just at shallow depths to 250 meters just on the small fraction of their 600+ square mile property called Queensway. This can be mined NOW.....quickly, if they go with toll milling with MAE, which could earn probably enough to pay for all future drilling/ development ...or be the cash flow to base much bigger financing of on site mill.
They are now beginning to drill deep based upon their seismic study they paid $8 million on.
They recently negotiated to buy Labrador Gold, which joins their property to the north at bargain prices based upon their seismic info which partially covered the LAB property. LAB didnt have success in drilling, but this property probably will under NFG ownership. NFGs discoveries go right up to the LAB boundary.
There is no telling how much gold is on Queensway. The orogenic deposits generally can go 2 kilometers deep, and the seismic appear to be showing the same very hi grade gold deposits already discovered do go very deep.
They have basicalky only drilled on the top north of QW. they have done just a bit of drilling in the south and hit gold, but not the fantastic showings theyve had in the north.....but there is significant gold in soil along the two, 100+ kilometer fault lines traversing QW.
And, this isnt the Yukon. There are logging roads criscrossing the entire QW project...and the Trans Canadian Highway ( and ekectric transmission lines, too) cuts across the North QW where almost ALL of the drilling has been done and where the resource is being delineated, and they have already scraped the surface bare of overburden on the best spot on the north, and are planning to expose the other top sites in the north.
There is no telling how much gold is contained in QW, , but it is likely a lot......Newfoundland is being compared to the Abitibi, where 200 million oz have been mined ( gold). NFG may become the biggest gold discovery in North America in many decades.
The current shareprice is probably a gift.
There is a lot to the NFG story. This just scrathes the surface.
Could the share price go lower?......hmmmm.....My view is that it is too dangerous to be out of the stock if you are interested in it. The gold price alone makes it very likely that NFG will be targeted as a top gold stock as the WEST wakes up to the gold sector as THE MOST UNDERVALUED stock sector, th e most gold stocks have ever been undervalued....whilecthe general stock market is in nose bleed territory, esp tech and AI !
The world is in a SEA CHANGE, drowning in unpayable debt and collasing currencies ( inflation)...... gold is being recognized as the SAFE HAVEN and accumulated by the Eastern central banks.....BRICS, etc.
Gold stocks like NFG is like buying gold in the ground for pennies on the dollar.