RE:RE:RE:Antonio gutteres want to stop fossil advertise, windfall taxNobleHouse wrote: Attacking fossil fuels Packer is attacking the life blood of the civilized world and his the power driver behind the modernization of established civilization and joining modern society and increased prosperity for many 3rd world nations.In regards to your love affair with EVs , it was stated today that this heat dome over much of the south and California will be crippling and to expect power outages , notably in California due to higher air conditioner use.If that state and it's power cos can't sustain air conditioners which have been around for many decades how do they expect as the biggest tree hugger EV supporters expect to recharge existing cars as well as telling their citizens that they all should own one.
"Attacking fossil fuels" ? Moi?....LOL The oil sands will be pumping out oil for at least the next fifty years....the plants were all built because of the mirage of "peak oil".....NOW oil is EVERYWHERE....people find it all the time, most lately in Guyana.....for a FRACTION of the price than you could develop more oil sands mines.....that's REALITY
I own oil sands stocks and I even bought more today!...because the plants are all built (intenationals sold out for peanuts to their canadian partners some years ago) and the revenues are going to keep coming in for DECADES.
Back to to the UN guy....all he's saying is that if 1.3 BILLION Indian people all buy SUVs in the next little (China has seen the light and is producing EVs at a furious rate) the planet will heat up so much that Fort Mac wil go up in flames along with those oil assets you and I have investments in.
This is not a zero sum's a question of slowly "going where the puck is going".....
Do you still own stocks in buggy whip maufacturiing comapnies????