RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:RE:Antonio gutteres want to stop fossil advertise, windfall taxwestcoastlogger wrote: Wow Citizen13. Sounds to me like things are so bad we might as well just grab the .44 and go out to the woodshed and get it over with. You climatard armageddonists just kill me. My advice to you is just calm down. Trudeau and his left wing wackos are manipulating you and your falling for the garbage.
Yup,. I am sick and tired of them too. Tired of that fraud tool. Clearlly we see libturds and wokes waging the war against oil and gas producers while poluting planet with those toxic batteries, monstruos propelers and solar pannels.
I am realy tired to argue with them too. My next car will be V8 truck, just p*** them off :)