Honestly, I think I smell a cheap financing on it's wayI figure to hire 9 employees ( $ 60000)each ,wages and benefits, double the size of the GEM trap capacity,whether building is owned,leased,or rented, and re-tool operations for various products, we are looking at $ 4 million dollars. So far ,approx $ 500000 is charged against new operations costs.------- Makes no sense to charge $ 500000 for next 6 Q's, so a financing is the alternative.--Of course the downside is it will be cheap,''maybe'' 20million shares at .18 or .20 ???. That would explain the walkdown on share price so the shock of a lower share value to .20 is not as extreem . Is the start of a financing already in progress ? ----- Company is in good shape financially, but as an engineering company with a sales line of fine equipment ,large clients will want to be sure TEI can deliver on large contracts,and the financials have to be pristine.-----Trouble with a cheap financing is that unless contracts roll in quickly,it's a takeover candidate . Just my opinion.