garyreins wrote: says the man pumping riocan which keeps sinking hard!
Sure, let's talk about RioCan. I own 7 figures worth of it bought mostly in 2020 during the covid lows and have since kept on adding to it. I am retiring in 4 years which means between now and 2028 the longer it stays lower, the cheaper I buy more shares. And I plan to keep holding these shares along with my other investments even after I retire to provide me with income which grows annually.
I want the stock to be down. I have 5-figures of distributions from RioCan alone that will show up in my Interactive Brokers account tomorrow and I will re-invest that in more RioCan next week.
Given my long term time horizon, I am loving the fact that the stock is down today and hope it stays down when I add more next week.
My dream scenario is that RioCan stays at this level for the next 4 years.
Now you, on the other hand, what is your time horizon? 5 minutes? You seem to feel the need to ejaculate your emotions like a teenage boy that just discovered nude websites. You have zero self control, zero emotional awareness, zero impulse control and zero clue.