Penny for your TVI shares???I never thought I would see the day when TVI was trading at a penny a share again. The way the shares are being gobbled up at a penny a share , we may see some shares trade at half a penny per share before this week ends? I am not sure why? On the surface all looks well. However Does Villar just plan to use TVI as a source for borrowing money to finance TVIRD's develelopment of it's mines? All the well TVI's finances will look worse and worse , while TVIRD's finances continue to improve with the production of their gold mines as well as other gold mines coming on stream creating more wealth for TVIRD? Will TVI just be used as a bag holder to finance TVIRD with nothing to show for it accept debt? Will Villar just hold the price of TVI down until it has no usefull purpose to serve for TVIRD , than just let TVI go bankrupt , or trade between a half cent and a penny forever? AT this point will Villar buy TVI out at a penny per share? I guess we will see soon enough? I hope I am wrong as TVI still has so much potential if it is not manipulated and allowed to trade freely and reap the rewards of TVIRD's mines. Maybe even Cliff will come back and buy a whack of shares at half a penny. After all he got 3 cents for his shares. This is all just speculation on my behalf. I am preparing for the worse but hoping for the best???
Good luck to all!!!