VGCX Yukon News - 1 Day AgoInteresting read. Be sure to view the second photo of the bulldozer apparently stuck in the slide, or is the operator just looking for gold some gold nuggets? And is that the Heap Leach pad liner material I see at the top of photo 2 that looks like it's still draped over the barrier wall?
Victoria Gold shutdown after landslide at heap leach facility - Yukon News ( (Be sure to scroll way down because the big spaces between pages make it look like the article ends sooner than it does.)
You gotta love the NDP, I want, I want...(what else is new).
Her solution is the Yukon governemnt should just help to place all the Victoria Gold workers on unemployment like they did with the Minto Mine and create even more legislation for Yukon miners. Well I've got a novel idea, how about show some leadership NDP Leader, step up to the plate and say hey Victoria Gold and Yukon Mines and Resources Minister, what can the NDP do to help get this "catastropic" incident resolved and 500 workers back at work as soon as possible? Ooops I forget, NDP is a socialist party, they don't work like that...just shut the mine down, put all the workers on unemployment and just pay them for the next 5 years while we elected officials sort this out. Don't worry about the 100's of millions of dollars spent to build the mine, the economic loss to the Yukon residents, and all the investors left to wonder if they'll ever recoup their investment, nope it's all about NDP.
It's interesting to read the comments about the briefings and how the Eagle Mine was built and all the precautions that were built into its design to meet all the potential environmental events. It's also interesting to see the second photo where the bulldozer is apparently stuck and how it's hard to imagine that the ore and solution that apparently escaped containment likely hasn't gone much further than being saturated into the soft / collapsed material on the ledge where the bulldozer is sitting yet if you listened to the NDP Leader and the First Nations environmental concerns, you'd think the leaked solution made it half way to Mayo, what about 100 kms away! Why any mining company would ever want to do business in this country is beyond me. If the NDP and Liberals were the only governments in Canada we'd still be riding horses and pulling buggies behind!
My opinion only...clearly I'm not an NDP or Liberal fan / supporter in case you hadn't noticed.