As the image below shows, I am not wrong at all. As for your statement/s that "she can't sell" and that her options are "way out of the money". Try to perform, at least some, due diligence before getting too worked up... I can see your stress levels escalating lately by way of your over-use of "!!!!!!!", repetition, caps, name calling innuendo's, etc. We worry about your health, Larry, slow it down kiddo.... BTW, who is FUD?
Natalie has 5 years from the date of issuance to exercise her options which she still holds to this day (there is no evidence to suggest otherwise), totaling 350,000 shares at a value of $602,500. Given the date of issuance of her options, she has had plenty of opportunity to excersise all of those options "in the money" and above several times over. Why didn't she? A reasonable assumption would be that she knew her options would be worth more in the future. But in reality, only she can answer that question.