RE:Facts are factsAgain you bring up anger. The only angry person here is you.
I am simply bringing facts to light in a public forum that ISN'T moderated and controlled by Lifeist.
Yahoo forum? Controlled by Lifeist.
Reddit forum? Controlled by Lifeist.
My 'rants' aren't rants. They are statements of fact and the shareholders of my investor are ENTITLED to know the truth behind what is causing the loss of their investment.
As far as thing going good or bad goes, well, Choklat is on track to have a record year this year. For example, July is normally slow in the chocolate world. My new product lines and business direction are doing their jobs. Sales this month are already 130% higher than the ENTIRE month of july last year.
Given that Lifeist won't share that with its shareholders I feel the need to. After all they are investors and it's my duty to disclose such information.
...and yes I CAN unsink the Lifeist ship. For my tens of viewers out there, Isn't it about time Lifeist had an honest and transparent CEO?