Leodevoe VS CableLabs and Member Co.sThe record has clearly shown that leo (including all his aka`s) has never believed that legacy single channel wifi has never fallen short of fulfilling all QOS demands required by all service providers for their networks and customers since even before UpRamp. In other words, leo was sceptical of all the reasons top global CTO`s and CEO`s of CLs` members listed as reasons behind selecting YFI for UpRamp in 2016.
Leo` opinions are of course his pergative but why he wouldn`t take his argument directly to the source instead of arguing with posters here remains in question. The same applies to questioning the validity of CableLabs and their subsidiaries such as Kyrio Labs. Many recall both leo and Royal suggesting that you couldn`t believe anything that came out of CLs because it was biased in favor of it`s members.
This of course immediately brought to question who leo and Royal believe are more in position to assess the needs of service providers and their customers than the Tier 1s` themselves or leo and Royal? And why would they think the answer could be best discovered by arguing it out with members of the public on a chat forum? So if the leo and Royal believe the Tier 1 service providers are not qualified to assess their wifi needs who is? Or put it this way: before going shopping for your grocery needs for the week which neighbor do you ask to make out your list?
Personally, I theorize that CableLabs on behalf of its member co.s had decided to play a greater and greater role in determining its members present and future needs, and thereby becoming more and more the key determinant over its future fate by being less reliant on those who have proven to have not necessarily reflected their best interests in the past. Their growth, development, and performance as an organization since prior to UpRamp is highly impressive. Fool me once.....................
There are many forces at play here over and above the spectrum slicing offerings and AI applications of YFI. Of course YFIs` present claim that their prospective WiFi7 chip is the only silicon solution to offer groundbreaking performance to the 20 billion + existing devices ending a rip and replace mentality................. isn`t going to win many friends with co.s whose fortunes rely on a short cycle turnover.....lol
One thing I definitely give Andrew credit for is that he predicted that it would be necessary to play the long game, and to date has made an exempary impressive showing of endurance. I wouldn`t be too hasty in making predictions as he has tons of bargaining power, and flexibility in his options still at his disposal. Being light and agile can sometimes prove to be very advantageous.