Thoughts from my cabin. Bring on the fudPile on some more tales of losses you flippers got hit hard with. Must be managements fault you bought at the high and dumped at the bottom. I'm encouraged by the ratio of pumpers to bashers here and with other natgas stocks. It's always lonely at the bottom , I'm fond of saying. Eric nutsac is early days in his very minor repositioning into gas and service stocks. Not many months ago he had zero. He was all in on oil with an emphasis on heavy. He made a career fortune from 2020/1 to 2023\4 on stocks like ath, meg, cve, with 20,30,40 baggers from penny stock status to $5 for ath for example. So good job, but now what? Running money for fickle retail mutual fund buyers is very much a what have you done lately business. So he's moving, I would characterize as cautiously, into NG. Because his view is currently improving on NG AND The oily names are just no longer as ridiculously cheap as they once were. The relative value is barely shifting to gas IF his forecast is correct. He is nowhere near the table thumping that he was for the last few years for oil stocks. He's not talking gas as a "generational wealth opportunity " like he once was about oil. .....yet. At this point he's quite capable of reversing course very quickly, so yes, proceed with caution. Never ever buy any volatile cyclical or commodity producer for the dividend. Always use a stop loss ,,,, and stick to it. Otherwise you will be just another "victim" posting on social media sites about the awful management that caused you to buy high and sell low.