GREY:VITFF - Post by User
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HoneyBadger77on Jul 16, 2024 5:25pm
Post# 36135644
RE:RE:RE:I don't remember reading about THIS?
RE:RE:RE:I don't remember reading about THIS? Well, the VG employee (oh I mean source) that provided the Yukon Star with photos obviously photographed more than gophers and marmots. "A source presented The Yukon Star this morning with photographic evidence clearly showing the slide area where the heap leach pad failed at the mine on June 24 is still on the move."
If there's broken pipe, torn liner, visible fissures or a marmot tanning in its bikinni, it's all good info that is needed to better understand what's really going on up there. These adhoc news articles showing up with info from an unidentified 'source' can be accurate or intentionally misleadiing and such info and reports should be coming from EMR not an unidentifiable 'source'.
So my questions are who is this source and what were they even doing up there (if they were even up there), walking around taking photos? And if up there, where is the YT Occupational Health and Safety in all this? Haven't they got the pad and area well below and back off limits to all VG employees, contractors, etc? Whether a VG employee or contractor is the source, I'm sure they are subject to an NDA and unless they want their name added in a lawsuit, they might want to think twice about being a 'source'.
Whatever the findings, I'm prepared to accept them, but I want the facts from an expert investigator and not some unidentified 'source' that may have alterior motives for releasing info when it best suits their needs.
The Yukon Star reporter seems intent on fostering mistrust or discrediting the Yukon Government despite the YG clearing stating from the onset the that the slope is unstable and further slides may occur. Yet does the first sentence of the Yukon Star article make that clear from the onset? "There are indications the landslide at the Eagle Mine north of Mayo is not as stable as the Yukon government is claiming."
No of course not, because well they'd have nothing to report. The instability of the slope is nothing new folks, that's why the EMR has directed the company to come up with a plan to stabilize it which is being worked out now and being reviewed by a 3rd party engineering firm. But hey let's throw a few fire crackers into the bonfire just to see what we can stir up! The Yukon Premium asked reporters from the onset to adhere to responsible reporting and apparently not all of them got the message.
Maybe the Yukon Star should have included the sources photo so we can all see what they see. Maybe it's a close up photo of a marmot's butt crack (that one was for you Husky). If this was a criminal investigation, these 'sources' could be subject to Obstruction of Justice charges and other legal system unpleasantries.
Anyway, get some drones EMR or hire someone who can get the images you need to inform yourselves and keep the Yukon citizens and VG investors informed. You need to control the narrative here, not the press.
My opinion only, please DYODD.