Predatory Financing Initiative Is Closer To Reality Now.Some outfit like Eight Capital would underwrite a discounted to the prevailing market price type equity fianncing initiative on behalf of Northern Graphite Corporation.
"The Missionaries On Assignment" are at some point collectively going to act like they are desperate now to raise requisite capital.
The outfit like Eight Capital would have privately acting intermediaries first take up a selling NGC.V short position, with a guranteed payout derived therefrom arranged for ahead of time.
As soon as the discounted to the prevailing market price of NGC.V shares type equity financing is announced, the NGC.V share price would be driven down about 50%;therein assuring the underwriter can recoup monies provisioned.
You think it not possible? Alas, that and a lot worse is possible here with NGC.
Our monies invested here have quite intentionally been slaughtered by and on behalf of Hugues Jacquemin ET AL.
What else should we expect.