GREY:VITFF - Post by User
Post by
HuskySWon Jul 29, 2024 9:24am
Post# 36152356
Why would anyone want (recommend) to move the slide muck
Why would anyone want (recommend) to move the slide muckto the top of the the HLP and spend 50m$. OMG
When I first saw the report a while back I thought now there's a unreal take on things.
Take a bunch of now useless slide muck (injected with an unknown material from previous old workings) and spend like 100,000 ++ (plus fuel + wear&tear + depreciation) equipment hours to move muck back uphill to the HLP which is full of foreign material (ore) that was placed there when the valley got filled.
Or is the consultant recommending moving the slide muck while it is full of cyanide solution? Count me out on that ride.
Clean the slide up in place (either sideline boring pickup) or neutralizing agents. Take the remainder of the 50m$ and put it towards a better purpose, it's going to be required for remediation like the Berm, HLP, solution cleanup and so forth.
If that's the recommendation I call on YTG to budget say 50,000$ for a signed and sealed report by engineering (struct & geo) to provide second opinions on the folly of spending 50m$ to move muck uphill to a place where it never was orginally to begin with, it doesn't matter where it sits.
Please don't tell me its for the beautification and restoration of the valley to it's natural state. OMG
Mining is ugly, personally I never thought the HLP was particularly beautifull to begin with <wink>.