RE:Trend Continues Default on their mortgage? Close to $2,000,000? So are they about to be evicted? They have no money, no revenue, and now soon, no roof over their head? This compnay has been horribly managed from the start...heck, they went public with a massive debt load, a $0.15/share financing, and a whole bunch of the smartest people in the room;
The company acknowledges the seriousness of this notice and is taking immediate steps to address the situation. The details of the amounts due are as follows.
Principal: $1,910,400
Interest to July 18, 2024: $46,058.96
Section 17 interest penalty: $38,103.32
Legal costs of this notice: $1,995.67
Total: $1,996,557.95
Turn the lights out when you leave...