RE:PGX Scale-up:What percentage of the yeast beta glucan immune booster market could CSCI take with a potentially clearly superior source of yeast beta glucan further enhanced by PGX? CSCI and partner could have a new gold standard for yeast beta glucan as an immune booster by a wide margin and it could even be inhalable. Could the product transcend the traditional yeast beta glucan immune booster market and participate in the broader $24 billion immune booster market? It could also be impregnated with other bioactives.
CZO's 2023 Annual Report:
"Beta Glucan from yeast is recognized for its immune boosting properties and can be found in many commercial formulations. Most of these formulations are produced using spray dried technologies yielding large size particles under various shapes compared to small and uniform particles obtained with the PGX Technology. Furthermore, as per our research conducted in collaboration with a California based company, some of these formulations contain impurities that may induce some unwanted physiological effects like inflammation instead of preventing the inflammation process as seen with Ceapro’s PGX processed yeast beta glucan. In fact, Ceapro’s team data analysed, tested, and screened numerous sources of YBG from many global suppliers. While three global suppliers for YBG were shortlisted (from Germany, China, Brazil), one YBG feedstock material clearly outperformed all others in terms of purity, batch-to-batch consistency, heavy metal content, and available certifications (IFS, FSSC 22000, Kosher, Halal, GMO-free).
The retained source of yeast beta glucan was used for both in vitro and in vivo studies showing specificity to Dectin-1 receptors located on macrophages that are involved in the immune and inflammation processes. In addition to specific binding to the receptor, the PGX processed YBG showed up to 5 times more potency than existing formulations suggesting that smaller doses of Ceapro’s YBG could be used for similar or better efficacy."