GREY:VITFF - Post by User
Comment by
HoneyBadger77on Aug 16, 2024 2:45pm
Post# 36183115
RE:Amazing how the remediation number arrives right on time
RE:Amazing how the remediation number arrives right on timeSo the court just decided VG wouldn't have been able to raise financing for another $150 million CAD / $105 million US to finance the remediation and even another $100 million to fix the HLP and get back into production within a year with gold at over $2500 an ounce? I highly doubt that if YTG and FNs would have committed to working with VG to get this resolved. But without that commitment who in the right mind when step in and further finance this.
I still think VG should pursue a civil suit against the engineering firms that worked on the HLF design and the YTG for approving the build design. JM now mentions that the slide may have been caused by a Fluid Buildup. How can a Fluid Buildup not be noticed long before an event like this occurs? And the mine has been in operation since 2019 and only now a Fluid Buildup issue is possibly occurring. And what kind of Fluid Buildup is he talking about here, water from snow melt? Too much cyanide leach solution poured onto to the pad? Or was it the marmots drank too much beer and of course it had to go somehwere. What exactly does an 'Uncontrolled Fluid Buildup' mean JM? Was it a natural weather related issue (snow melt from snow amongst the ore or on the pad during the Q1 stacking) that melted too quickly in June creating Uncontrolled Fluid Buildup? Which would normally not be an issue except when you have a HLF with sloping like a ski hill. And who designed and who approved this ski slope? Oh yeah. it was the engineers and YTG approving it all.