So i Wonder How Long to go?- My Rigor Mortis is creeping UpSo i',ve bern in here since '17/'18 time frame, seen nice Gold Pics, Drilling Equipment -- and as of date of this Post Gold Price has returned to previous Highs ! bouncing around low range above $2500 per/oz
Just wondering After Phase 2 planned for August'24 , how many months / yrs till Drilling Authorization & Permits, and Actual Drilling ?
Hope i'm still Alive....
Excerpt Snippet::
Phase two, planned for August, involves a tighter grid of 10 lines, each 100 meters apart, covering the Grondin Zone. This will facilitate the creation of a 3D model to determine the dip and direction of mineralized stockworks in the felsic lapilli tuff within the antiform structure.
The combined IP data, geochemical results, and structural data will guide the selection of drill hole targets for a follow-up drill program. This information will enable the Company to file the compulsory "Autorisation pour travaux impact" (ATI) with the Quebec Ministry of Natural Resources for drilling authorization.