Vertical Banded formations tightly grouped ( wavey )
Volcanics ( ash / mafics )
Phosphorus in rhyolites.
Very similar to the Quebec's Noranda Rhyolites
= Zinc + Copper deposits
Carbonates / Feldspars / Granites
Copper-zinc massive sulfide ore deposits in Noranda, Quebec, occur in a thick pile of Archean andesites and rhyolites that form the upper part of the Blake River Group. The flows are weakly metamorphosed and over a large part of the area have only shallow dips. Flows are extensive, often thick, sheets, and several features imply their extrusion in a deep-water setting. Subsidence during the buildup of the pile maintained relatively subhorizontal surfaces over large areas. Five zones of rhyolitic lavas mark five successive periods of rhyolitic activity.
The ore deposits, which overlie chloritic pipes of alteration, occur at or near the top of rhyolitic formations and many are associated with primary volcanic features such as lava domes and explosive breccias.
Are sulphide deposits always aqua blue ?
Of course not.
Iron, pyrite and sulphur content must meet a min % theshold.
They can even hide with chloric staining.
Blonde Felsics can still be sulphide in nature.
Ore minerals in IOCG deposits are typically copper-iron sulfide chalcopyrite and gangue pyrite, forming 10–15% of the rock mass.
Granatoids NE of Brunswick mines
Volcanics, Rhyolites, Felsics in the banded Bathurst Hub.
Does Brunswick have...
REE's in these 3 geologies with elevated K,, P ?
What bonds with these 2 minerals ?
What stood out ?
Rb = Rubidium
130 - 342 pom ( 130 - 342 grams per tonne )
Rubidium Spot Prices
3,483.03. USD/oz
more expensive than gold
Scroll - 2nd assay chart in pdf
Why are Brunswick juniors not revealing full assay values ?
Why not assay 40m of Pegmatite @ Farq zone ?
Why did sxl, nine stock values drop after good drill results ?