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Dell Technologies Inc DELL

Dell Technologies Inc. is engaged in designing, developing, manufacturing, marketing, selling, and supporting a wide range of comprehensive and integrated solutions, products, and services. The Company operates through two segments: Infrastructure Solutions Group (ISG) and Client Solutions Group (CSG). Its ISG segment enables the Company’s customer’s digital transformation with solutions that address artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning, data analytics, and multi cloud environments. Its comprehensive storage portfolio includes modern and traditional storage solutions, including all-flash arrays, scale-out file, object platforms, hyper-converged infrastructure, and software-defined storage. Its CSG segment offers branded personal computers (PCs) including notebooks, desktops, and workstations and branded peripherals that include displays, docking stations, keyboards, mice, and webcam and audio devices, as well as third-party software and peripherals.

NYSE:DELL - Post by User

Post by sdhakaon Aug 29, 2024 7:37pm
Post# 36202087

Dell Technologies remained flat last week

Dell Technologies remained flat last week

Dell Technologies remained flat last week but has seen a solid 95% growth YoY. With a P/E ratio of 22.9x, Dell continues to be a steady performer in the AI space. Is Dell positioned for further growth, or is the market pricing in all the good news?

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