RE:What is the verdict on Q2 ER Release?Met mine.
I'm not sure what expectations everyone else had but in this challenging commodity price environment I think they did ok. I will say that it would be nice if an opinion was given before one is requested. Kind of like a quid pro quo or I'll show you mine you show me yours kind of deal.
That being said they seem to be on target with higher production and revenues and overall higher netbacks and with less net loss seems to point to the cash holding out until the new production comes online which I think is still on target for early-mid 2025ish both budget and schedule wise.
I personally think that while pushing this entity as an ongoing concern that will be financially rewarding in the future it is more important that it stays shiny and debt free (and it is) for the inevitable takeover that I believe is coming sooner rather than later. Crew and now ITE would be good harbingers of this.
Ok I showed you mine.
GLTY and all