LOGAN ( pinpoint ) metasedimentsWith further research,
i found a road that assistsin locating where Logan zone is.
Find Granges
Follow road to Logan
Logan is on the backsfide of, Maliseen mtn
Logan's numerous historic drills is in the heart of, metasediment flows.
Metas that create delta ore bodies.
If historic drills were zeroing in these delta ore zones - chances are they were seekin
Gold. Gold - heavies that drop out first while light ores wash through.
Revised map ( Logan placemen
Blue dotted circle - another delta ( there are several in surrounding area )
Slight elongated humps created at base of mtn watershed fairways.
Second sm yellow circle - the other historical zone with numerous drills
historicals drilled this area on the descending shoulder facing Maliseen.
2 watersheds may have deposited metasediments on this descending shoulder.
Western Dome watersheds
Northern watersheds coming into logan
= each of these watersheds would also hit grange zone
= build up occurs carries on through to goodwin lake
= more sediment build up elevates land and new sediments shift south of grange
= building up elongated sedimrnt body.
= brown patch south of grange - closest to viewer
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Correction former post
- flanking lower side of .Venning - lower basin - right where meta's would build up.
- interior of basin aimed
northerly So what are these sediment deltas producing for slam ?
Sulphide heavies. Seems to be working.
The task ?
Studying cores to see if it's seconary meta's or... host rock.
So far... mineralization is shallow for grange = meta's.
While Farq.... mineralization didn't begin till 72m doen hole.
BUT.... how far back was the hole from historical zone .
Farq #3 hole first 72m was in pegmatites.
Let's see the first 72m of core... .... wink.
Same goes with hole #1 at grange no cores shown.
Cores tells the story.