RE:China is mostly getting its oil from Russia You also have some of these OPEC+ members over producing on their quota's.
The Russians have admitted to this and keep saying they are going to compensate for going over by producing less monthly for the rest of the year. But are they really?
How many other members are over producing as well?
The Saudi's understand how important it is to stick to the hard number but its hard to police and keep everyone in line when these guys see the non-opec nations adding more and more barrels,
coolfooldumbguy wrote: There is an underground market for oil and gas operating in the world for India and China to purchase petroleum stock cheaply from Russia,so that the prices are discounted to the buy side.You are correct about China using big amounts,but the global supply is still big out there,and we are going thru a supply / demand correction out there to balance it out.