RE:RE:RE:News is Overdue 300 million US$ amount of shares does not mean it will be sold it is only in the treasury and available for sale They may sell through ATM ( at the market ) but my guess is they made these shares available
to sell to a strategic partner or to sell on an bought offerings to develop parts of the project that maybe bulk sampling open pit mining or some other option the project is getting derisked on a daily basis and though it isn't moving as fast as some would like we are going in the right direction.That being said the share price is in the dumpster along with all the other jr gold exploration companies the market will turn at some point my guess is gold will take a good run between now and year end and continue hire in 2025 the jr space will follow at some point and catch up and surpass the big gold producers if history repeats itself like it always does . If you belive they have the goods like I and others here do .Then buy when others are fearful and sell when others are joyful .I belive we are in the fearful mod at this point .