Looks like funding is the issue. GoldNHill, agree way moreI went thru the presentation, agree millions more gold oz is likley, that can really increase IRR and reduce ASIC. There could be 40+ years of ore with all those structures, IP maps. etc.
They plan to build a mill, quite a bit of capital to do that. Also watched what appers to be newest video where CEO focused on permoits and drilling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tKGGVCmeUA4
and prior one where he thinks they need to prove up more oz to get funded. With $2600 gold now and maybe $3200 in 2025 funding can change radically with all sorts of money coming into the sector. The high grade for a pit is very appealing. BTW just on 2 million oz when gold goes up $40 in a day, that is $80 million usd more value in ground on a $16 million usd mkt cap company with 100% ownership.
We need some luck here on funding. They do have cash now, so matter of how soon they can get funding. Cheers