possibeI: I always assumed the million share bought over the3 days following the mcap conf were as a result of the conference. A new substaintal investor or 2 became aware of the story, or Canacord got some more indepth info during some one-on-one time.
Remember, there are one on one meeting with management and more,-shall we say, color- is provided on things. Having a one on one converstatioin provides alot of information when you know exactly what to ask if you are looking for.. Possbile they got some indications that the client/clients are please with how the CRT is operating and the testing is just a formality. They can alos get better indication of what kind of revenue/ profit your are looking at for each fully outfitted automated system SAS and all.. I would like to know what kind of money is expected to roll in if they had 50 fully automated systems operating out in the fireld.....100........200..... including the SAS fees.