This was a giant step forward.
It was written - This was a giant step forward. I'm sure that's not what TCF meant when they look at the overall situation of the company including the share price compared to previous years. For TCF investors looking at the TCF share price, it would be a - giant step forward if the share price were to rise steadily again and that is their priority, which of course is the responsibility of TCF management.
It was already clear in Q2 2024 that TCF would not be able to honour the oil contracts as there was not enough capital in the savings account. It is now October and VS has not started yet and TCF is still working on 6 out of 17 wells. Now we have to wait until the 6 wells are running at 100% and connected to the grid. Then it will be exciting to see what happens next and how the debt is reduced without generous donations to put the company on a reasonable financial footing.
TCF investors are waiting for the next big and giant step after October 2024.