RE:Gold-dominant breccia systems as a possible starter mineSolid information and I have heard of a number of 500 meter areas being mesured off along the way.
High grade is in fassion because of the high PRICE of GOLD and along the way we need to remind ourselves that there is a massive,that is MASSIVE,MASSIVE area which is in what we would call the minimum grade or better known as LO GRADE ORE. But let us not lose site that when this LO GRAD is mined that it too can support the future of the GOLDSTORM being mined off for the next 40 th 60 years. Ken has been smart to seek out the HIGH GRADE for sure but yet we still will have a fortunes worth of Lo grade minable ore. YES Hi grade certainly tickles the IVORIES but many of if not all of the Majors cut their teeth on Lo grade ore and became multi billion dollar operators in doing so. IF the DOGs had patience we would know what we have at AMK, a Pirates fortune is in the making via all of the GOLD mineralization at Treaty Creek. In the Mining World Lo grade wins the Race to the finish line and Hi Grade fades away in humbeling itself to the Victory of the Lo Grade which will or can end up leading the Parade in being the Victor of the Game!