Unfortunately nothing more than basic fundamentalsIf market fundamentals are not in line with business expectations, the company is short on cash, and capital is tough to raise in this environment, often selling assets to get by is an option until things turn around.
Problem is what does GSP have in the way of assets to sell if they needed to as Insiders cant continue fronting the corporation forever?
Please do tell Ratler as its public knowledge the SMP200 lease cost just over 100K on a lease that sat untouched for years, so thats not the answer, and selling the Vanguard leases would cut Gsp off at the knees, so thats not a reasonable option.
That really only leaves raising capital through share dilution, but a huge float hampers that, as previous PPs have shown.
Even more surprising, how is Gsp's market cap almost double that of Westerns when comparing current assets / operations? One company has a multi hundred million dollar facility / several caverns flowing brine, and the other hasn't punched a cavern or broke ground on a facility.....
One of life's many mysteries I guess.....................