Gladiator Metals Corp...The Sleeping Giant Awakes !The Roman Gladiator...Symbolizing Strength, Courage and Discipline !
A while back in March of 2023 Bob Moriarty of 321 Gold wrote an article... and
the headline read and I quote
" Gladiator Scores Homerun with Whitehorse Copper Project
in Yukon.
It describes the meeting between Jason Bontempo and Jim Coyne( Drilling) and how
Gladiator Metals Corp went onto aquiring the Whitehorse Copper Property. The article goes on and explains why things were not in Hudbay's favour when they were not only in possesion but mining the property years earlier.
Apparently, it was not economical due to the lower price of Copper at the time.
I have always put my faith into what Bob says and what he writes based on his years of dedication, hard work and experience in geology, prospecting and the mining industry.
For the longest time I couldn't figure out why Gladiator's performance was generally "Lackluster"
I have seen, not only good grades but amazing grades coming out of the property.
Hudbay Minerals knew what they had and so did Jim Coyne and Jason Bontempo.
So now bringing us forward and after many months of old and new drill resuts and an esculated price of Copper the pendulum swings to our favour.
The "Gladiator" has woken from his slumber and perhaps so has the Smart Investor.
Bob thought Gladiator Metals Corp hit a Homerun last year...I believe we just may be on the verge of winning the World Series !!! Several Homeruns !!!!
More news and Core Drilling results coming soon and hopefully "The Whitehorse Gladiator" shows it's Strength and Courage in the new Hot Copper Space.
Good Luck to all.
pls. do your own DD.