Bitcoin Investors BewareThe real fact about bitcoin it is the currency of Money Launders, Scheisters, Drug Dealers, Autocratic and Dictatorial Regimes, Swindlers, Con Artists, and Fraudsters. Gold is the currency of Pharoahs, Kings and Aristocrats and has been for over 5000 years.
Bitcoin is very risky business. Governments are talking about taxing bitcoin farms because of extreme draw and waste of power consumption. 30% minimum tax. And one should consider as the population requires more power to run their electric cars, heat pumps and conversion from gas as is coming down the pipe as we speak and being pushed by every government and climate change dictates it. Ask yourself if they will limit the power that powers your homes and electric cars or will they turn out the lights on Cryptocurrencies first.
The smart money wouldn't touch Crypto with a ten foot pole as it will soon go to zero, nada, nothing, worthless.