Las Vegas Sun The Las Vegas Sun published an editorial Wednesday, less than a week before Election Day, calling attention to the "unsettling and undeniable shift" that suggests he's not healthy enough to become the oldest president ever inaugurated after canceling numerous public appearances due to exhaustion and struggling to complete sentences when he does show up.
"Americans from both sides of the political spectrum should be alarmed by Trump’s words and behavior," the editorial board wrote. "The nation must confront the fact that beyond his hateful character, he is crippled cognitively and showing clear signs of mental illness."
The board said the evidence was abundant and obvious and required no expert analysis, citing as an example a recent "disjointed monologue" in New Hampshire, where he rambled about the perceived injustices he faced and then segued into a rant about windmills causing cancer.
"This is not an isolated incident," the board wrote. "Trump’s rally speeches over the past eight years have become darker, longer, more profane and increasingly unfocused and unhinged — a troubling sign that he is no longer able to articulate ideas or reason in ways we expect of our leaders. This makes him prey to manipulations by his own staff or, worse, the control of foreign adversaries."
"He shambles about aimlessly, slurs his words and sometimes speaks gibberish," the editors added. "Always an effortless liar, now that his speeches are nothing more than a series of lies tangled in a mass inside his head, it appears he no longer even knows he’s lying."