BETA COFFINITEOxide Mineralization
The oxide mineralization at Ivana is visibly dominated by carnotite, the yellow potassium uranium vanadate [K2(UO2)2(VO4)2.3H2O] that occurs as coatings on pebbles and sand grains, and as disseminations in poorly consolidated sandstone and conglomerate. This mineralization style is closely associated with silicified or carbonized fossil wood and clusters of gypsum crystals that have grown in soft fine sediments. The most abundant uranium mineral identified by the recent QEMSCAN® work (Creighton, 2018) on “oxide” type mineralization, however, was -coffinite (beta-coffinite).
The mineralogy of all secondary uranium (U+6) minerals in the oxide mineralization at Ivana has not been completely determined.
^ ^ ^ ( not been completely determined )
The term carnotite has been used in sample and RC drill cuttings descriptions as a field description for the yellow-coloured radioactive mineral. In a recent QEMSCAN analysis of samples from the Ivana deposit (Creighton, 2018) carnotite was confirmed and lesser tyuyamunite, leibigite, and a previously unreported uranium mineral were detected. Leibigite is a hydrated calcium-uranium carbonate [Ca2(UO2)(CO3)3*11H20] and appears to belong with the oxide mineralization, as does tyuyamunite, a hydrated calcium-uranium vanadate [Ca(UO2)2V2O8*(5-8)H2O]. The "previously unreported uranium mineral" may be a complex mixture of a uranium mineral and a clay mineral such that the QEMSCAN cannot resolve a match with the any known uranium mineral.
Oxide mineralization is associated with yellow or brown iron oxides derived from oxidized pyrite, and red iron oxides from altered iron or iron-titanium minerals, which are relatively common as disseminations in sandstones or as components in heavy mineral layers. The oxidation of these iron minerals has produced irregular iron oxide stained zones associated with oxide mineralization.
Former post i covered the topic - centeal zone
altered uranium
caliche ( cemented calcium uranium
iron stabilizes uranium ( former post pdf ) resesrch paper
weaker readings transitional phases ( water, calcium reduces emmissions )
As read above,
Coffinite is most abundant
Coffinite in other deposits = staple for uranium mining.
How good was Mendozas lab assaying ?
Yet... in some deposits coffinire can emit only Beta.
Beta = weaker radiation
Has all the coffinite been measured ?
Or... passed up due to being Beta Typology ?
Is BETA a saught after commodity ?
Hell yeah...
One can laser enrich the beta mineral to enable recharge.
Infusing light radiation from lasers to enrich the energy capacity.
Remember - our SUN performs same task - recharges Earth.
If beta minerals can be tweaked via laser enriching...
such opens the doors to -------> factoring beta grade tonnages ( including as resource )
China's Betavolt New Energy Technology has unveiled a new modular nuclear battery that uses a combination of a nickel-63 (³Ni) radioactive isotope and a 4th-generation diamond semiconductor and can power a device for 50 years.
Nickel 63
method of producing a nickel-63 isotope, including the manufacture of a target, irradiating a target in a reactor, and processing a target, characterized in that the target material is made of metallic copper of a natural isotopic composition or enriched in copper-63 isotope, irradiation is carried out in a fast ...
There's the enriching process - irradation.
I can't hrlp but think...
Coffinite alloyed to --------> nickel, copper, iron, etc....
Quick Betavolt metal alloys = ensures acceptance of..... irradation ( infused energy )
Gamma - Alpha has kept the nuclear industry from entering the battery space.
YET - Beta opens the doors.
Something for the junior to think about.
Low grade uranium is one aspect.
But low emitting beta appears to be the most abundant mineral.
Or.... does east bluffs high cps readings reveal another story ?
Mendoza Lab not accurate ?
I have come across other articles covering the topic,
difficulties testing uranium values and radiation emission detection.
Not as easy as most think.
Calibration is key and even then... still difficult.
I wonder if BSK knows of the BetaVolt Batteries ?
Water Reaction
here's that research paper on uranium reacting with water.
UH3 gas or aqueous
Iron stsbilizes uranium ( bonding )
And most importantly.... uranium reaction with oxygen in water
converting to oxide.
Could explain why Ivana's lower lense is - oxide uranium - Picos tail watershed.
Which could mean... Picos and Indio could have uranium or coffinite oxides silt beds.