well, it's time tomorrow... has to get back over a dollar to avoid that delisting letter... this is so orchestrated... but well done on those of you who chose to jump back in at the lows in anticpation of this rise... up another 8 cents tomorrow...
then back down again on monday...
The share price was about .85, that day I believe....the very next day it went to 1.40..........and here's ol' quenty, still posting away, still spreadin it, advising all to get out before the company "implodes"...lol....
Hey Quenty....like others have said on here, you had better get on the phone right away and warn Roche, and the other big pharmas that have spent a lot of money collaborating with Oncy on trials, oh and also the FDA that they're risking their time on Oncy since you, alone, out of all those PHD's, specialists and scientists have figured out that Oncy is a dud!.....just think of the good you could do for humanity!