Can Trump make the silver price rise again? I can understand the widespread frustration about the price of DSV shares and as a fellow shareholder I am too.
But take comfort in the thought that DSV is seen as the mining company worldwide most linked to the silver price and has therefore now fallen in proportion to the lower PM's of the last few days.
Incidentally, the graph of the gold price, which has a completely different market for applications in industry, has now fallen exactly in line with that of silver.
In my opinion, this decline since Trump's re-election is mainly caused by two reasons:
1. Many think that all problems in the economy will melt away like snow in the sun with Trump and that PM's are therefore no longer needed as a counterbalance.
2. The cartel of government-supported or at least backed banks sees every high-profile event - whether it is positive or negative news - as a reason to go short another hundreds of millions of paper dollars in silver.
Which can then be used in a possible future lawsuit...
That this bizarre and in my opinion even criminal opposition of the entire gold and silver market will one day come to a spectacular end, is certain to me.
The question remains for me: how long can this cartel continue like this, even with the bizarrely large shortages on the silver market?
And could Trump and his future government team perhaps even steer towards such a crash of the far too low gold and silver prices?
In this way, to finally be able to offer the US dollar an anchor, which it will desperately need with the ever-increasing government deficits...