RE:RE:RE:COC Reserve a Call and new Online Shop coming"Yes we will be announcing partnerships. Hardee har har, where have we heard that one before?
"Trying to be strategic..." NO try, must do.
You are definitely the runt of the litter.
Nailbiter2 wrote: It's a given that the auditor's story was extended to avoid opening trades without a crash.
Local sad sacks dissed my email reply from IR that stated,
"Yes we will be announcing partnerships. Trying to be strategic and line things up so the announcements support the share price etc.
As far as the memes go, they serve as a sliver in the good Captain's... Finger
Mykndrsn wrote: Care operates as a separate division of Stage Zero. They are completely operational and a going concern. I have availed myself of their services personally and have been told by Care staff that a relaunch of Aristotle is coming. I can't believe after intentiontally halting trading for so long because of non-payment of auditors (LOL) that a relaunch would not include announcing partners. All evidence points to this and not paying the auditors was just a ploy to cease trading before the stock price tanked any further. My opinion based on logic and reasoning.