2019 PEA COFFINITE U238 ( 99.3% majority ) ------> used to make plutonium decay ----> 4.468×109 y
U234 ( 0.005% -small faction
U235 extracts from U238 = 0.70% - 0.72% -----> fissile ( hot ) decay -----> 7.038×108 y
U235 is extracted from U238 -----> U235 is already fissile
Remaining U238 is converted into Plutonium
To convert to Plutonium U238 is mixed with Fluoride
Creating UF6
2019 PEA
Ivana Coffinite ( majority of uranium exists in this state )
Page 16
The uranium mineralization at Ivana has been divided into two types based on dominant uranium
mineralogy and/or alteration and gangue mineralogy; 1) Oxide mineralization characterized by visible carnotite and oxide alteration minerals, and 2) Altered “primary” mineralization characterized by variant of coffinite, that has been named β-coffinite (beta-coffinite) by the Company and which contains mainly U+6 rather than U+4 which is normal for coffinite, and pyrite.
Many geological observations and geochemical experiments have concluded that uranium (U) is much more soluble in the hexavalent (U6+) than in the tetravalent form (U4+) in geofluids at low (near surface) to moderate (∼ 300 °C) temperature (Langmuir, 1978; Romberger, 1984; Mernagh et al., 1994; Wersin et al., 1994; ...May 20, 20
Nov 24, 2021 — U6+ is soluble and uranium is transported in solution in the oxidized form, whereas U4+ is relatively insoluble. ( Source Chegg )
Well now,
Ivana Coffinite comes in a U6+ form pointing to ------> Uranyl solution
Which begs....
can a Beta - ( minus ) exist as a positive U6+ ?
Can Scintillometers ------> test uranium in solution ?
In field ?
Or more like.... brine water has to evaporate using low heat dryers.
Then test the residual oxide that remain.
Ivana deposit overlies Picos tail watershed.
Ore would see water saturation.
Spanish report eluded to - continual conversion ratess due to water.
Other reports speak of.... underground uranyls in water table.
What if the U6+ were not a beta ?
Rather bonded to a calcium carbonate with 6+ valance ?
Would the hexa valance interfere in radiation reading ?
One report stated type of Scintillometer bsk used - that model was for gamma. 2012
Why didn't VP test the moisture in Ivana deposits
and moreso --------> Picos silts and brines in, Salar ?
U6+ = Solution
Did labs perform brine or moisture tests ?
Or.... just acids or heat method which is prone to evaporation ?
If heat...would the U6+ convert to a UH3 gas ?
Would it be wise to retest the coffinite with other equipt to provide a definitive ?
Maybe U6+ has to see a conversion first to lose the 6+ and reduce to U4
= prior to lab tests for categorizing type of U ?
= 6+ might need a simple cation exchange swap