RE:RE:Amateur. quinlash's suggestion that all you need to imEarnings Per Share will be negative prior to the company turning profitable. You can use to see the EPS trent moving to positive over the last year. As revenues increase the EPS will improve further.
Tilray is now closing a deal on 4 breweries, the Press Release originally came out about a year ago and now these breweries are going to start reporting their revenue under the TLRY ticker.
Any increase to total sharecount will dampen progress on EPS however incrementak sales from all the new products rolled out will contribute to the positive along with the Germany incrementals.
I cannot speak on behalf of the company however my impression from reading over the press releases is that no additional shares will be issued for the foreseeable further. It's all in their website Anyone serious about investing will go through the news releasesto form their own opinions.
It Tilray progresses EPS at the same rate as they have on the last couple of reports then they are in the brink of the EPS positive milestone.
Go check it out yourself, don't trust forums, do your own Due Dilligence
Best Regards
- Long on TLRY