RE:RE:RE:Email Response from Gilles Gagnon on March 12, 2024tropicalsun, your woke additude has clouded to ability to think logical to the point that your eyes are turning brown.
I will NOT stop putting my thoughts of gagnon and how he destroyed 3 companies and has now taken a fourth company to near collapse because it hurts your feeling. People (especially potential investors) need to be reminded continually what a failure this person is and through his incompetence he is now taking a fourth company from a high of $13 to near or below $4 in less than a year. They also need to be reminded that if gagnon leaves (which we hoe he does) it will cost us dearly in $$$$ as the last time he fictiously resigned it cost shareholders $970,000 in consulting fees.
As for Oats, again, I will not hold back. Oats admitted he was fed a bunch garbage from gagnon and fell for it. Oats alone, had the ability to put and end to this farce merger and several other deals when CZO was once a viable company but chose to align with gagnon, no one else, he did this all by himself. Over the course of several years OATS was begged by several to standup and say no more but he chose not too. Now he is trying to come across and some type inside saviour, NOT buying it, he deserves everything he gets which will be $000 if gagnon continues and whenever he looks in the mirror he will clearly see the reason why.
So if this affends you to bad, you have 3 options, ignore, do not read or $#*%