Sanctions Backfire On The United States
Sanctions reduce the United States share of the global economy shrinking the use of the USD reserve currency and treasuries that are being substituted with gold, a tier one asset now, and other hard assests. Sanctioned nations step up their game to fill the vacuum created with sanctioned items removed from the global market place.
Sanctioned nations are developing alternatives outside the reach of the United States. In the past sanctions may have worked, but no longer as technology is no longer a barrier to other nations developing alternatives. The United States and other allies are on a path of isolationism and resource nationalization.
Here are two significant examples of what is occuring. The United States strong armed ASML to ban the sale of chip lithography machines to China and now there is a challenge to Boeing and Airbus.
President elect Trump is promising more sanctions and tarriffs.
The rise in the price of gold and other commodities has only just started.