Student, how can you possibly reply so fast?
Are you possibly and older than dirt, crazy malfunctioning AI program or what :)
You did digres, quite a bit...try to stay within the guard rails please.
I'm not training a lion...I'm playing game of poker.
OEMs will not be able to afford %100 tariff on Chinse graphite and/or anode...they simply will not be able to aford that LONG affordable EV cannot be built if the anode portion of the battery will cost that amount...every $1000 a tonne increase in the price will result in a $2000 a tonne cost to that NA OEM with %100 tariffs...its just not economical.
Again, either get out of the EV business, or start investing like crazy into local supply chains in order to remove that tariff threat. That's the ony way period.
The Donald, through these monsterous tariffs, will be forcing many large multi national companies to bring those manufacturing and refining and mining back to the US...creating what? Jobs, jobs, and more jobs...who knows if that addtional GDP growth will offset the higher local prices, I don't one does...and really I just dont care. I care about a jumbo freaking tariff number...and China's respons to that gorilla on steriods tariff...that is the only thing that matters at this point...everything else is just fluff and nice to know at this point.
What happens over the next two weeks will be like the Berlin Wall coming down my will set the stage for the next four years of local supply chain industry in NA....people buying now are getting in on that ground floor.
Forget about lions gobbling you up...and think about how much you love Chinese retaliation!
Okay, that's good for today, have a good night.