RE:Buckle up this is going to the moon Shortly reminds of the old POT RUN. Pot stocks went nuts, all did. although this is a little more real, (or is it,See any alligators crawlling the wall??lol) any ways look at RGTI , QUBT ,IONQ, nasdaq, then ONE, BTQ QNC. every dog has it's day. This, jmo, is new somewhat bubble , chase the need for computer security. This is real.What happens tomorrow, who knows, but this is a new industry for the "market" and the players love a new market. Soon c,, holding strong. I had 30k shares of BTQ @ .30, , sold at .75 , not bad, then the puppy popped to $3. I have qnc at .19, not selling,' nuff said. it's too early in this new game to re-act & panic, hold strong. let "them" play the market game. jmo